Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Heart or Head?

Follow my head or follow my heart?

My good friend Trey asked a simple question, “Do I follow my head or follow my heart?” My question is, What about your gut?

I have learned the hard way in life and some would say that is the best way as you never forget those experiences and memories. Experiences, memories, seeing body language, and facial expression aid us in gut reaction.

The heart is where the feelings are, the head is where we have intellect and our gut can be known as our intuition.

My answer is gather information from all three resources. Good decisions happen when we show restraint (patience) and gather more information.

If you are unsure at the final decision time, leave your feelings out of it and just go by the facts…

In wisdom (and scientifically proven), the heart and it's feelings are too spontanious... we use our head first, our gut second, and the heart is the last aspect to consider… because ultimately, we as humans choose, what we feel based on our intellect and our intuition.

If all three (head, gut, and heart) are telling you "yes!" then by all means, go for it!

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