Thursday, May 26, 2011

Week 5 Healthier Life Style Program

Week 5: 1. Delete Soft drinks or soda pop, and delete artificial sweetener from your life: I’d rather see someone drinking a regular pop than a diet one. In my opinion, artificial sweeteners are very bad for you as most synthetic things are not good for your body. It is always better to go as natural as possible when putting stuff in the body. In a nutshell: Your brain really doesn’t know the difference between sugar and artificial sweetener… it just says, “Here comes sweet,” and pumps out insulin to compensate. So now you have this insulin sitting there and nothing to go to… which can lead to many upsets in the body causing imbalance. High blood levels of insulin can cause obesity, heart attacks, high-blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It is believed by many experts in the field, insulin makes you hungry, causing you to eat more food causes your liver to convert extra calories to fat and causes your fat cells to store more fat. The extra fat in your body causes plaques to form in your arteries, stiffening them and causing your blood pressure to rise and can increase your chances of getting a heart attack and stroke. The good news is you can reduce blood insulin levels, by eating less junk food, less fat, more fiber, more natural fruit and vegies and exercising more (30 minutes daily).

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