Monday, December 31, 2012

Resolve to be the best you for 2013! ~Beth Corbin

Resolve to be the best you for 2013!
~Beth Corbin

Here are some easy tricks you can do to help in your healthy life-style plan for your new year.  Most people can’t do all this at once; so pick and choose what you can do every little bit helps. 

Here are some keys to a healthy body that I suggest to people: 
·                    Take a multivitamin daily (if you can take half in morning and half in the evening).  Also take Vitamin D (400-1000 IU daily), and Omega 3 (fish oil) 1000 mg daily.  Most vitamins now have magnesium in them and this is good as it aids in absorption.
·                    Deep breath: In through your nose, so your belly expands, hold it for 4 count and out through your mouth, so that your belly gets skinny again.
·                    Stretching whenever you think about it, or see your dog do it.
·                    Sleep 6-10 hours a night, or whatever number your body needs (This is what I am bad about; I am working on it).
·                    Limit or reduce fried foods (think of them as a splurge).
·                    Drink 3 quarts of water each day in addition to your coffee and tea, etc.
·                    Eat 3-5 vegetables a day (1 Cup is a serving, and this is where we (me included) have a hard time getting this many in per day)… but we work on it. Kids eat 2 C, and teens 2 ½ C.  
·                    Eat 2 fresh fruit a day
·                    Cut your Carbohydrates, they have a big impact on heart, blood pressure, and glucose levels.  So, your carbs should be whole fruits, whole veggies, and whole grains whenever possible.  No more than half your calories should be carbohydrates and this is where many women have trouble.
·                    Get physical, move that body and work it out at whatever you like doing 3-4 times a week. Walk one day, hike another, and do yoga another, weights/strength another day…  

Here is how you figure how many carbs you should ingest a day:  Take your number of calories needed a day divide that number in half (this is the number of carbohydrate calories you should eat).  Take that new number and divide by 4 (This number is the amount of grams you should not go over per day).

So for example,
1200 calories = 150 grams of Carbs a day total (no woman should eat less than this; if she does, her fat cells will swell and go into starvation mode).
1600 calories = 200 gms of Carbs a day total (average woman consumes between 1600-1850 calories per day).
1800 calories = 225 gms of Carbs a day total
2000 calories = 250 gms of Carbs a day total (men category).

If all that is too much and scares you, look at it in simpler terms:  Your plate is half full of vegetables; the other side of the plate is meat, a fresh fruit and a whole grain. 

We are not beating ourselves up for eating a sweet sometime, or a fry-bread sometime; we just eat one portion and move forward.

If I were a woman and just starting; wanting to “see” results with weight loss, I would get in the habit of counting carbs, until I realized my portion sizes on them.  Then every week or two add another strategy from above.

Best wishes to you all in a healthier happier coming year!

Monday, December 17, 2012

These are a Few of my Favorite Things! ~Beth Corbin

I was recently asked, “What are the things that you find solace in; that give you peace that please you?”

These are a few of my favorite things in answer to that question:  Walking in the Autumn Woods, long hot showers, Children's laughter, snuggly warm cozy sleep, massage, tantalizing tastes on the pallet, experiencing the movement, thinking, feeling, being, embrace, Sinking in the Cool of the earth in the midst of being enveloped by the heat of the stones, The sip that quenches thirst, the ray of sun when it’s caressing my face, the unconditional love of my dogs, the sounds of nature, of music, and of silence… rest. 

I feel we are Spiritual Beings here to have a physical human experience and our main purpose is to learn to love.  In learning to love we help others as we go.  

People can make excuses of why they can't do things or argue why they do or don't do things; the reality of it... we make choices and do things for one reason... because we want to, and that is the bottom line if we are honest with ourselves.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Lines and Perimeters with Respect to Others ~Beth Corbin

Lines and Perimeters with Respect to Others
~Beth Corbin

You know I am a very positive individual and believe in respecting others.  I would never purposely disrespect anyone, but I will walk away and be done with people who continually disrespect and take advantage of others. 

Cheaters are not worth your time or energy and if they cheated on someone in the past, chances are they will cheat on you in the end.  If a couple is separated or going through a divorce and that divorce is not final-- stay away from him!

You are messing up any chance of them reconciling if that chance is viable.  Even if you are not sleeping with him, that wife will think you are when you are over there consoling him.  Be respectful by staying out of it, if the divorce is not final!

On the Red Road there are just certain things you do and don’t do out of respect.  I am Shawnee and follow the ways of the women which means I will not disrespect a woman by having a relationship with her man. 

As I was taught by my elders, women and men do not need to be confiding in each other and discussing intimate, private or sensitive details about themselves to members of the opposite sex, unless they are very close or have the hopes of getting to know them better for a future relationship.

Those that cross that line end up opening a door that can lead to being unfaithful to their spouse.  Being unfaithful is not just having sex according to the elders.  It is also not standing up for your loved one, disrespecting him/her by sharing intimate details with someone besides you.  This causes a faulty foundation and your relationship will lose trust and possibly crumble. 

If all women would follow this; there would be no cheating.  Our lives are all about respecting the things God breathed life into: plants, animals, people... Through this respect we learn to love and understand those around us. 

I am not saying you are not allowed friends of the opposite sex; there are lines and perimeters making those friendships not have the depth you have with your spouse.