Wednesday, June 13, 2012



Everyone came here for a purpose; some may know that purpose and others do not know; at least that is what I have heard people say, and it seems many belief systems with a higher power feel it is true.

What if that purpose was just to do the following:  Learn to love, learn to be loved, forgive, and have a grateful heart in giving thanks for our blessings, and showing respect for all creation.

Sounds simple doesn't it?

Maybe it is so simple that it becomes complex:  People judge others, ridicule, rape, lie, cheat, steal... Prejudice against groups they do not understand; even some in the name of religion... as they allow fear and anger to become hate.

The children they influence, and the ones that are victims, live life in chains, either trying to figure out how to break-free of the bondage to begin repairs or, are so lost they do not realize, and become that which influenced them in the first place...

Change begins with each individual, where you are right now.  Ask, “What can I do in my daily walk to make a positive change;” then listen and meditate on him (Creator/God)...

What are your beliefs, do you even know and what limiting barriers or illusions are present?

I never felt “worthy” of the gifts in which Creator blessed me: Abundance of health, financial prosperity, righteousness, love from a good man, peace, joy, etc.  So, I punished myself by picking the worse possible match to torture myself, then allowing negative thoughts and misery to rule my life for several years creating illusions of manifestations and it was a vicious cycle to punish myself because I thought I wasn’t “worthy.”

Laying in bed one night, meditating on Creator/God, it clicked.  I had said it a million times, had preached it to others, and thought I knew it… that night it became “real.”

The elders even teach that Creator/God gave to us (through the Great Spirit), the powers of the universe which allows us to create our abundance by what we say, feel, think, and believe.  The abundance I created was “lack” of all my desires because I wanted to punish myself in living in that misery and looking at things as if I were not worthy.  Thinking back, I am not sure if I have ever felt worthy of the gifts I was given.  So, I would help others with the gifts, but couldn’t help myself.

That’s the point isn’t it?

We are here, learning to feel worthy – as we are in him, he is in us, he surrounds us, he created all the earth and universe and we are all a part of the whole and it is GOOD!

To love the puppies is easy because they give unconditional love, animals don’t judge.

To love him (Creator) I must love myself because we are ONE.
That is where the “positive abundance” comes in, he is all and all is good; which means I am good, I am worthy, I am… I am… I am… you can fill in the blanks.

I am in part God/creator, he is in me, he is in all, he is abundance, and he is love, joy, peace, harmony, science, finances…

He is… so I am inside this love.  I am worthy because that’s all I can be in him, as part of him, as he in me, and me in him, and he that surrounds me.

Seeing things in/through/as “love” makes nothing else matter, it’s all good.  Enjoy living in his abundance as part of him, it is our birthright! 

Feeling worthy allows us to actually receive those gifts of abundance and operate in that circle love.

Sounds simple doesn’t it?